You can contact NZIDE through one of the representatives below. If you are looking for an NZIDE instructor within your region click here.
Contact Us
NZIDE Representatives
Mark Revill-Johnson
Mobile: 021 217 9996
Gemma Scott-Hall
Vice President
Mobile: 027 826 1639
Gemma Scott-Hall
National Secretary
Mobile: 027 826 1639
Juliet Dalley
National Treasurer
Mobile: 027 264 5833
Peter Sheppard
Phone: (04) 2347010
Mobile: 021 222 6964
Regional Delegates
Matthew Campbell
Mobile: 021 0255 6825
Ben Davis
Midlands Region
Mobile: 022 089 8474
Liz McLellan
Central Region
Mobile: 021 142 4322
Sarah Bailey
Upper South Region
Mobile: 021 116 0946
Graeme Dalley
Mid South Region
Mobile: 027 247 0110
Gemma Scott-Hall
Lower South Region
Mobile: 027 826 1639
Wayne Young
NZIDI Representative
Phone: (04) 387 7480
Mobile: 027 240 8860
Jim Furneaux
Motorcycle Training
Mobile: 021 244 2091
Heavy Traffic Representative
Mike Doran
Mobile: 022 082 1785